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Why and how to clear your browser cache and cookies?

You probably see words cache and cookies on daily basis. When you visit a website for the first time, your browser saves (caches) pieces of this site. That's way every time you click Back or Forward, your browser doesn't need to pull fresh files from a server.

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When your CMS is outdated and vulnerable

 From time to time we come across clients who are operating outdated Joomla and WordPress websites.

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Why it is so important to backup your website

Our websites are in constant danger. Hackers, malware, problems with updates… In a matter of seconds you can lose your whole site. In case of those types of events it's better to be prepared sooner than later. Backup should be done regularly, because thanks to it you will be able to easily and quickly restore your website. Here's the most important reasons why your website NEEDS a backup.

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Quality over quantity? Content length vs. SEO

In last couple of years the topic of content length was heavily discussed by many of SEO gurus. Most of them argued that in order to succeed, users must create long posts. While there are some important data that prove this, we can say for sure that it's not the most important factor.

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What is WordPress?

If you plan to create a new website there is a big chance that you will hit the name WordPress. Why you ask? Because WordPress is used by more than 60 million websites and since it was firstly released in 2003 it became one of the most popular CMS of all time. This powerful website builder which started as a blogging tool, is user friendly, flexible, free and constantly being improved. 

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What is Joomla?

Joomla was released in 2005 and since then it became one of the most popular CMS of all time. Thanks to that it's a completely free open source supported by volunteers from around the world, it quickly gained a big number of satisfied users. But what makes it so popular?

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Why you need to update your CMS right now

CMS, a shortcut for content management system, is a software application that allows to create and maintain a website. And like any other software application your CMS is also vulnerable to hacker attacks. Whether you use WordPress, Joomla or any other CMS, it's worth to click on the „update" button as soon as you see it. Before you ask „why?" here's the 5 reasons why updating is so important.
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Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2019 - donating 15% of revenue from new orders

Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer in women. One in eight will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. This affects women from around the globe, from all walks of life and claims the lives of hundreds of thousands of women each year. 

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Google September 2019 Core Update

 On the 24th of September, Google has announced a new core update. The update, as the two previous ones, was announced via Twitter. The first one was rolled out on 12th March, and the second one on 18th June.

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5 Best SEO plugins for Joomla

When creating a website, we want to our site become the most populated one. In order to achieve this, we need to make sure that our site optimize well. Joomla, one of the most popular engines for building sites, is great with SEO. It doesn't duplicate content, is easy and user-friendly. Despite all of that, as every other script, it needs some help and that help is provided by special SEO extensions. There are many great SEO extensions for Joomla which help with optimization in search engines. Which are the best of the best? Let's have a look!

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