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Why it is so important to backup your website

Our websites are in constant danger. Hackers, malware, problems with updates… In a matter of seconds you can lose your whole site. In case of those types of events it's better to be prepared sooner than later. Backup should be done regularly, because thanks to it you will be able to easily and quickly restore your website. Here's the most important reasons why your website NEEDS a backup.

Hacker attack, malware and viruses 

Hackers attack random websites more often than you think and one day also you may fall victim of their crimes. They will steal your clients data, money or simply lock you out of your website. The same case is with malware and viruses. Although most often these malicious softwares attack personal computers, many websites are infected or are vulnerable to them. There is a crazy number of bots that are constantly looking for vulnerabilities they can and, eventually, will exploit. Thanks to backup you will regain control of your website and get it back as soon as possible.

Human errors

Henry Wadsworth Longfellow wrote in his novel Hyperion that „Sometimes we may learn more from a man's errors than from his virtues" and even though this quote is almost 200 years old, it is still remarkably current. One small mistake could ruin everything but there is a simple solution to this problem, a backup. Whether it will be clicking on the wrong button or deleting the wrong file the back up will save your day (and your website).

Problematic updates

Updates of CMS are very important for the proper functionality of your website. As we said before (check out our post about updating CMS) there are many important reasons why you need to do updates regularly but what to do when the newest update has gone wrong? Your site doesn't work or/and look like before and you are afraid that it may crash completely. Don't panic, restore a clean backup and everything will be fine!

„Make a backup" is probably one of the most popular advice that you are going to hear when working with a website but there are important reasons to repeat it over and over again: safety and peace of mind.  Imagine that it's another sunny morning and you've just woken up. Last night you finished a new post for your blog and you want to check whether there are already some comments. You try to open your website but something is odd… The website crashed and you don't have a back up?! Don't worry, it was only a bad dream!

We got your back (up)

At, we automatically run a daily backup of each site you have hosted with us. These automatic backups are stored offsite and are kept for 14 days. As an additional service, we've also created the "Manage Backups" feature within the Cloud Control Panel™(CCP) that enables clients to create their own backup that can be stored locally. You can learn more about our backup system in our Knowledgebase article

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