We’re proud to have worked with eNom, our parent domain name registrar, for several years now. Because we’ve had such a great relationship with them for so long, eNom is enabling us to make these exclusive offers to CloudAccess.net clients.
To order your free .org domain name, simply log into the Cloud Control Panel™(CCP), click on the “New Product” button and select the “Domains” option. Be sure to use the coupon code “FREEORG” when checking out. The free .org domain name is available when purchasing a new hosting & support product. This offer isn’t available for clients on a free hosting plan.
.org domains are usually used for professional sites. If you’re looking for something really fun, consider a .rocks domain at a discounted price. For only $6, you can register a .rocks domain today. Simply log into the CCP, click on the “New Product” button and select the “Domains” option. Be sure to use the coupon code “LETSROCKS” when checking out.
Both the free .org and discounted .rocks offers will expire once we ring in the new year, so be sure to take advantage of it soon. Thank you for choosing CloudAccess.net!