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SSL Frequently Asked Questions

What does my purchase cover?

  • A dedicated IP address
  • The SSL certificate
  • All Installation Fees
  • Managed installation of the certificate on the server

How do I order an SSL Certificate?

Log into your Client Area and locate the “Order SSL” option from the menu. Follow the instructions to complete the the order process. Give us a call if you have any questions as you place your order. We’ll provide the fully managed installation of the SSL certificate after your order is complete. An engineer will contact you about the installation once it’s complete or if there are any issues during the process.

I received some attached files after talking to your engineer. What do I do with them?

Forward the activated SSL certificate files to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and our engineers will use these files to install your SSL. We must receive these files - it’s essential in the SSL Certification issuing and installation process.

I already own a SSL. Can I use it and will there be a fee?

You still have to pay the full fee. If you’d like to use the SSL you’ve already purchased, please submit a detailed support ticket including the name company you purchased the SSL certificate from, and the login details to access your account. We can take care of the rest.

Are there recurring fees for my SSL?

Yes. You are charged an annual fee for the SSL certificate. There is no option to purchase the SSL for a fixed period of time, but you can cancel at any time during the first year. If you choose to cancel any time during the year, your SSL will remain active for the year you paid for, but will be cancelled at the end of the year and you will not be charged for a second year. There is an annual fee because, at the end of each year, a human being needs to renew the certificate, reinstall it, and make sure it’s valid.

My site is hosted at a different hosting company. Can I still get this deal?

No. This is an exclusive offer for clients. Purchase one of our hosting and support plans and we’d be happy to move your Joomla! or Wordpress site to our network and manage all of your SSL needs.

Does offer Extended Validation Certificates?

We do not sell them publicly, but we can provide an Extended Validation Certificate. Additional fees do apply for acquiring and managing advanced types of certificates.

How will you confirm the SSL is valid?

We will provide you a URL on your site with an image file containing the SSL validation. In some cases your application will not validate SSL. This is typically caused by using code in your site that comes from an alternate URL that is not SSL enabled. You may be asked to check the source of your application to confirm you do not have any external file or paths that are non-SSL.

How do I force SSL on my Joomla! or Wordpress site?

You need to setup the .htaccess file to continually and automatically redirect to the SSL. If you have an application, like a shopping cart, you can configure the settings of the application to force SSL upon checkout. You will want to check with your application to see what features they have for SSL. Joomla can force the use of SSL through the Force SSL option in the Global Configuration area (under the "Server" tab).

Can I order a wildcard SSL?

Yes. You must contact our Sales Team and we can adjust your rate for a SSL certificate. Wildcards can have more than one subdomain setup to be SSL. The SSL will need to be configured for each subdomain. Depending on the number of subdomains needing SSL protection, this may require a large amount of time. You can work with our Sales Team to figure out how many subdomains will need the wildcard SSL certificate and we’ll adjust your invoice accordingly.

What do I do if I cannot fix my application to be SSL enabled?

The installation of your SSL certificate does not include the configuration of CMS extensions that require the certificate. If you are in need of specific configuration, editing, altering or customization to use managed SSL services for an application like a shopping cart, ecommerce solution or anything else that may require the SSL, our Professional Services Team can help. We’ll look at your Joomla! or Wordpress site and applications and generate a quote for the work.

I do not need SSL any longer, but want to keep my hosting. What do I do?

Simply log in to your Client Area and cancel the SSL product you do not want. Your site will not be affected.

I need a dedicated IP address, but do not need an SSL. Is there still a fee?

Nope. If  you only need a dedicated IP address, please submit a support ticket.

How can I diagnose my HTTPS connection?

These tools can help you analyze your SSL certificate:
Validate your SSL Certificate 

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