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Invitex Webinar

images-new site-product landing-invitex-invitex src-200x151Invitex was created with one very clear goal in mind - to help site admins increase their site visitors & members using viral invitations. Invitex is one of the best invitation toolsest available for Joomla today. Users can import contacts & send invitatons via email & private messaging, and also improve conversion rates through automated invitations & reminders.

You'll Learn About ...

  • Registration invitations with support for multiple registration systems
  • Invitex anywhere - sending invitations for anything, not just registrations
  • Manual invitations interface
  • Native API integration for contact imports from major email services and social networks
  • CSV imports
  • and much, much more!

About the Presenter & Techjoomla

parth-lawateOn paper, Parth does sales & is the CEO so to speak, but he loves getting his hands dirty with code, innovating & helping the team come up with new stuff! Working with Joomla since the Mambo days, Parth is passionate about everything open source. A mechanical engineer by profession, Parth was working with content management systems like PHP nuke  when he stumbled upon Joomla and got completely hooked. Parth has been involved in the Joomla project as part of the Joomla Bug Squad, was a mentor for Joomla at Google Summer of Code & plays a key role in managing Joomla User Group Pune & organizing Joomla Day India. When not in the office, you will find Parth in the mountains hiking or cycling, reading a book, cooking or gardening.

techjoomla-RegisteredTechjoomla is all about doing what you really like. We believe that if you do things that you love & are passionate about, there is nothing that can stop you from being the best. Techjoomla is behind dozens of popular Joomla extensions available to the commuity.