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AEC Webinar

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AEC (Account Expiration Control) is a Joomla component developed specifically for managing memberships (either paid or free). The software, created and managed by, takes care of the subscription process and everything that comes along with it. It integrates directly with almost any registration setup to provide a smooth sign-up experience. Packed with tons of integrations for payment services and other Joomla components, AEC is the most customizable and extensive membership system for Joomla! This one hour webinar covers AEC common functionality.

About the Presenter

valanx logoDavid Deutsch, Founder and Chief Botanist of, has been providing software and services to the Joomla community for more than 7 years. focuses on professional users who hunger for more functionality than can be eaten in one sitting. The company also puts clients first by offering a high level of quality support when it's needed most. is so complete that the only complaint clients have is that, as of yet, is that there is no for AEC to simultaneously do your laundry while managing your site memberships.

DavidDavid lives with his wife and daughter in Germany, a place most people refer to as a "country", despite its questionable location and resulting weather situation. Notwithstanding the commendable infrastructure, amiable forests and areas that can be described as being "not entirely unlike a beach", it's not exactly prime real estate.