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CDN Setup 

Setting up CloudFlare CDN is fast and easy. Simply log into your Cloud Control Panel and select Manage > Content Delivery Network and then select Install. 
My DNS is hosted with

If your DNS is hosted with, the rest of the setup is automatic and the next screen will provide the number of minutes until the setup is complete. 
My DNS is hosted with a 3rd party

If the next screen informs you that you need to change your nameservers, it will then be necessary to point your DNS to CloudFlare where it will then be routed back to You can find out who your DNS hosting provider is by using a lookup tool. 

Once your CDN is activated and your domain is routing through CloudFlare nameservers, it will begin working automatically within 30 minutes. We have placed the feature documentation inside of your Cloud Control Panel, just click to expand the descriptions. You can also check out CloudFlare’s documentation. 

Bypass with Development Mode

We have added a “Development Mode” button that will make it easy to completely bypass the CDN and all related functions. This is useful for testing and can be toggled on and off as needed. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens to my DNS entries?
CloudFlare automatically makes a copy of all standard DNS entries. There are rare cases where an obscure DNS entry will not be copied over so we still recommend taking a screenshot of your DNS prior to pointing your nameservers. 

Does the CDN cache content that is blocked by ACL?
No, the CDN will only cache content that is publicly accessible on the internet. If you have a login form, the CDN will not be able to access content beyond that and will not cache the content. 

Does offer Railgun? 
At this time Railgun is not supported, but this may change in the near future. 

Will the CDN interfere with my SSL? 
In most cases we find that the CDN works flawlessly with SSL’s. There have been a few rare cases where clients have had to select “Name: Full (Strict)” to resolve conflicts. This can be found by going to Security > SSL from within the CDN view. 

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